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There are TWO ushering stations. Please make sure both areas are covered, one at the main doors and the other at the doors to the overflow area (if not walled off). Please encourage people to sit in empty chairs in other parts of the sanctuary before setting up chairs in the back of the sanctuary.
Prior to the service:
- Make sure Water
source Books are out and placed on the first seat of each row closest to the aisle.
-Hand out bulletins. Make sure everyone receives the Splash Pad.
During the service:
-Collect Offering. Offering is usually taken during the Hymn of the Day, after the sermon. Offering globes start at the front rows on the aisle side and are sent down every other row. After the globes have been passed put all the contents
into one globe. One usher brings one globe forward to the worship helper or put it on the credence table on the left.
- Count the number of people (worship leaders, choirs, musicians, etc. – in other words, everyone), and write down the number.
-Usher Communion. Usher people up row by row. There may be 1-3 communion stations, depending on how many people are in attendance.
After the service:
-Stand by the usher stations and collect the bulletins. Encourage people to take the Splash Pad home.
- Pick up any trash in the sanctuary.
- Gather up the Watersource books, and place them on the front counter inside the church office.
- Sort worship materials as needed.
- Retrieve offering globe from the credence table. Place offering in a blue money bag in the church office for our counters. Bags are located in the metal wall cabinet between the two desks. The cabinet is labeled “money bags.”


​1. Arrive 20-30 minutes before the start of the service.
2. Wear your nametag, which is in your Drop File, or make one. Blank nametags are on the front table in the narthex.
3. As people arrive, greet them with a warm smile, a handshake (if you want) and a word of welcome.
4. Encourage everyone to wear a nametag. If someone is a guest, one of the greeters should walk with them to the name tag table and have them make a name tag. They can also walk with them to the Welcome Center and show them other materials available to them.

Altar Setup

Before first service: light candles on altar; check to see if Christ candle ought to be lit. This can be done after altar setup with a young person.

Fill two pottery chalices with wine. One chalice is placed on the altar, the other chalice on the credence table behind the altar with the two gold chalices with grape juice in them. Be sure there are two white
cloths to be used to hold the bread. ALSO, be sure that the hand sanitizer is on the credence.
If a large service is anticipated, fill the pouring pitcher with additional wine and place with the other chalices.
Place Gluten-free wafers on the blue plate, on it’s separate little stand (it is marked “for gluten free wafers ONLY”). Place Bread on separate big plate on the altar (not covered with a cloth).

Since we are using half loaves, make sure the rounded part of the loaf faces the congregation.
Communion cups are filled in the big basket; small baskets are lined with paper towels.
Need four red cloths for the chalices during communion. Put them folded on the shelf on the credence table.
After 1st service, dispose of the used cups; reline the baskets with paper towels; refresh the wine/grape juice as needed; check on the bread.
Put bread and one pottery chalice on the altar for second service.
After second service, leftover wine can be poured back into the bottles,
but juice must be disposed of. Be sure to put the grape juice back in the
refrigerator. Be sure to wash the chalices and check to see if the cloths
need washing. Empty baskets with used cups. Empty garbage as
Bread can be put back in the bag and put in the freezer.

Communion Assistant

Communion assistants are invited forward after the Lord’s Prayer.
Communion assistants will sanitize their hands. Feel free start the use of the hand sanitizer with the other communion assistants. You will be given either a plate with the bread or one of the chalices with either wine (pottery) or juice (metal).

Take your station as directed by the pastor.
If distributing the bread, give to those with an extended hand. If possible say their name, look at them and say, “The body of Christ, given for you”. Bless those who come up and don’t commune (their arms will be crossed in front of them), make the sign of the cross on their forehead and say, “Remember God loves you,” or something similar.
If offering the cup, look at the person and say, “The blood of Christ, shed for you.”
Commune those who were not able to come up for communion including the music leaders.
After everyone has communed, the pastors and communion assistants will commune.
Take your communion ware back to the credence table.
Return to your seat.

Welcome Center Attendent

Before the service:
1. Arrive 20-30 minutes before the start of the service. Position yourself near the Welcome Center.
2. Connect with the greeter or greeters so that they know to send visitors to you at the Welcome Center.
3. Wear your name tag. Familiarize yourself with upcoming activities and events in the church by reviewing the newsletter (copies at the Welcome Center).
4. If you identify anyone as new or possibly new, make contact with them. Some examples:
-Thanks for joining us today, I’m glad you are here!
-Are you new to the area? Or just visiting?
-Are you looking for a church home?
5. Offer visitors a welcome gift as available at the Welcome Center.
6. Ask visitors to wear a name tag. Welcome tags and pens will be at the Welcome Center.
7. Make visitors aware of fellowship time after the service and any other church activities that are coming up. If they have children, inform them of our education programs.
8. Provide visitors with handouts on small groups and a copy of our newsletter.
9. Ask if they would like to leave their name and contact info for Pastor Jake.

After the service:
1. Continue the above steps.
2. Try and connect visitors with Paster Jake, or ask if they would like
to leave their name and contact info for Pastor Jake.



Fellowship Host

​Sunday Fellowship Time

Before Sunday:
1. Buy or make cookies/treats in conjunction with fellowship host for first service.
2. Optional – buy special coffee and/or half-and-half/creamer.


30 minutes before end of service:
1. Make coffee.
- Follow instructions on the Bunn coffee maker.
- Make 1 pot of regular coffee and place in black coffee carafe located in the cupboard below the coffee maker.
- Make a half or whole pot of decaf coffee depending on attendance and place in a green carafe.
2. Make more lemonade if needed.
3. Replenish coffee cups, creamer, sugar, spoons, lemonade cups, and napkins on the counter.
4. Replenish cookies/treats on trays. (Cookies are in the cupboard to right of the refrigerator).


As the service ends:
1. Pour 3 to 4 cups of regular coffee and a few glasses lemonade.
2. Replenish coffee, lemonade, treats as needed.


When fellowship time ends:
1. Put cookies in zip-lock bags and place back in cupboard.
2. Put away unused coffee cups, creamer, sugar, spoons, lemonade cups, and napkins.
3. Rinse Bunn coffee pots and throw away coffee grounds.
4. Hand wash coffee carafes and lemonade pitcher.
5. Wash dirty cups and silverware in the dishwasher.
**Cups with lipstick will need to be pre-washed by hand.


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Mission: That all would know they are loved by God & are inspired to follow Jesus.

Living Waters Lutheran Church is a faith community in Sauk Rapids, Minnesota that is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  Please contact us if you have questions or would like more information.  We are an open and welcoming community where ALL ARE WELCOME!

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